Wednesday 20 July 2011

Constantine - "He believes in you"

******WARNING - This one contains spoilers*********

"Angela: Well, this has been real educational, but... I don't believe in the devil."
 "John Constantine:You should. He believes in you."

Hello there! I must say this is one of my favourites and above is my favourite piece of dialogue.
As a religious person most of the notions included in here are not unknown to me and therefore I find this film very consistent theologically.

This is the story of one attempt from the son of the devil to rise and takes us all to hell.
In the middle of all this is John Constantine, played by Keanu Reeves, that tries to buy his way back into heaven by exorcising as many demons as possible. Why? Because he is a "suicide" and people who commit suicide go to hell. Who wants to end up in a place where most of its resident were placed there by them.
What kind of suicide? Watch the film.

The acting part of the film has its faults as we all know Keanu Reeves is that multi-skilled actor with his many  facial expressions that total four: neutral, scared, in pain and intoxicated. But I must say I love the guy, he's totally yummy and I love him to bits on "Point break".
Rachel Weisz and Tilda Swinton don't disappoint as expected, the first being the spark that ignites the whole plot and the second as the Angel Gabriel.
Special mention to Gavin Rossdale, lead singer from the band Bush who plays the demon Balthazar.

Overall, I loved the film. I've watched it several times since it came out and intend to keep seeing it over and over again.
It could be better but it's good enough for me. I've heard that for 2012 we'll have Constantine 2.
Let's see what will come up.

See ya people,


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